Snowcollar Snowboard Club Closing Party 2011-2012
2、地点Place:Sunday Bar,望京阜通东大街方恒国际1层;
3、参加人数及构成Attendance:100+,Snowcollar Club members, Harley-Division Club members,Snowboards,雪领俱乐部会员,哈雷发烧友;单板滑雪爱好者;
4、支持品牌Partner:Lidakis,Candleman,4+2装备库,VE,ThirtyTwo,Ski Magazine,iPhone battery supplier,Japan export T shirt,etc.
(1)致辞;Speech by partners;
(2)雪季回顾;Snow season review;
(3)微博抽奖;Lucky draw on Sina Weibo;
(4)礼物交换;Gift Exchange;
(6)滑雪知识讲座;Snowboarding Lecture;
6、抽奖方式About Lucky Draw:We launch a Sina Weibo Event, lucky draw come form the snowboarders, who forward this event; become the fans of the sponsor in Weibo; attend the party personally. 会前发起微博活动,关注赞助方官方微博并转发,赢取抽奖机会,现场颁奖。